
It's our daily bread
The creation of websites and applications is one of our main and the oldest service at the same time. We manage both classical presentations, eCommerce, special gadgets, and intranets for example.

What is our web recipe?
Transparency comes first
We are not an agency, we are an IT company. We don’t resell our work! What’s ours is ours. When we can’t do something, we simply admit it. We always want to be as transparent as possible. Our clients know us and they recognize who they can turn to.
We have a lot of questions
Yes, it is necessary to admit that we don’t understand the sale of fireplaces, we don’t get chemical patterns, and we don’t know how to build a house. We are IT specialists, and you are expert on your business. We will give your business plan a new point of view. Our aim is synergy and mutual understanding. Only this way we will achieve the best results.
Never ending process
Go forward, never stop. Does anyone of you remember how websites looked in 2005? Nightmare, right? And that’s exactly it. IT is one of the most dynamic areas in the world. Slowing down in development means to immediately stay behind. We cooperate with our clients on a regular basis and keep the projects constantly in line with new trends.
Less is more
Continuity with regular clients and periodical cooperation is more important for us than new challenges. Don’t understand it badly, new projects are great! But sometimes we have to admit that we have some limitations. We are able to serve only a certain number of customers at one moment. As soon as we reach this boundary, we always tell it our new clients. Then they might have to wait a little longer for the implementation phase for example.
What exactly will we conjure up in webs?