#3 Year 2018: Bad Thing Might Be a Good One, Sometimes The Best
- 31. 12. 2018
- Peter Is Writing
I’ve been about to write this article for a long time. So, listen up, in this case more like read up, and check out my personal summary of the most important things that happened in 2018.
I'm Not Kidding. Bad Thing Is Sometimes A Good One
Health is everything. Although this sentence may sound like a brutal cliché, I see it quite differently today. But I don’t want to anticipate. There is one saying that fitted to me pretty well: “The pitcher goes so often to the well, that it is broken at last.”. It really got broken. Fast and without warning. Out of a seemingly simple health problem, that I had “proficiently” left untreated for about two years, erupted a complicated affair and it cost me more than a month’s stay in hospital and three surgeries. When I think about it today, it was really crazy. Especially the timing –approximately 6 weeks before the big state exams, investors came to the company and I had planned a daily schedule into every single minute. In one word – a catastrophe. Surely, I’ll write more about it in the future, but now I cut it short. Thanks to self-denial and primarily thanks to modern medicine, I got out of it without visible scars or permanent consequences. Thank god!
Zobrazit příspěvek na InstagramuPříspěvek sdílený Petr Pokorný (@iampetrpokorny),
Big State Exams and Sale of The Company
The first half of the year was not formed only by staying in a hospital, but also by large state exams and selling off part of my company. First things first. Finishing university was a necessity. (Once you start…) True, the last two years have been really intense, even though my follow-up program took part in a combined form during weekends. However, because of health complications the study cost me much more energy and sometimes I thought I was really on the edge. But the expected result finally came. I don’t want to sound ungrateful, but lately I had a feeling that studying wastes my time. Business worked well before the title and the reality of everyday life is quite different against the student’s desk. Well, anyway, I have this chapter closed, so far…
Let’s move to the STARTUJEME WEBY. To run a business à la me as the only owner has got its limitations. Thanks god I understood this principle in time. An excellent opportunity came about a year and a half ago. I’ll cut it short again. I had the opportunity to sell off some of the company shares with a condition that company will stay under my guidance. Fair offer, really. After half a year of negotiations, a new joint contract was drawn up, which came into force in the beginning of the year 2018, and after about a year of operation I evaluate the result as very good. Not all of the numbers have been summed up yet, but it is already clear that 2018 means the most dynamic growth in history (considering from the founding of the project). We also managed to improve the background, invest into interesting innovations, projects, and most of all we are working on the expansion of staff. So far, it’s great, but I still have to stay on the ground, though sometimes it’s really hard.
Zobrazit příspěvek na InstagramuPříspěvek sdílený Petr Pokorný (@iampetrpokorny),
Life Isn't Pink, but Real
However, everything didn’t work out as I imagined. I didn’t manage to pay attention to my second company (E-commerce project with tennis equipment, invested a company share from my part in 2016). Warehouse works, expedition also, customers shop there, support is also great. So, the project definitely isn’t losing, but everything runs on a kind of automatic mode. The innovation is zero, zero, nothing. There was simply no time left. When I think about it, I also stopped seeing a few people, but instead of them I opened a space for new people… But I see that as a cycle of life, not as a tragedy. On the contrary, I perceive such thing more as one of the opportunities, which will come in 2019.
Year 2018 in Points. What I Handled and What I Failed:
- to get out of the worst, to leave the hospital and to be healthily OK, "knock, knock",
- to pass out the big state exams at Brno University of Technology and successfully sell off a part of the company,
- to spend a perfect week in Croatia and Slovenia and some time in Austria,
- in spite of this trip to travel too little,
- to find a much better work-life balance, to start running regularly,
- to let many interesting people into my life, but to stop seeing others,
- not to manage to develop the other company as I imagined,
- to get to the grid of the Ferrari Challenge.
Honestly, my year 2018 did not spare the variety. Although it looked really black at first, the whole situation made me to process a bigger personal reboot. However, it is usually done only in critical moments, when you have to rethink your position and set new and better rules. So, if you can see mainly the good things in such situations, you will have a unique opportunity to improve a lot of things not only in terms of personal life. That’s why a bad thing might be a good one, sometimes the best.
That’s all for today. I wish you all a successful year 2019 and thanks for reading it!
P. P.
“Company founder, lover of good coffee, history and travelling, occasional author, billing optimist. Here on the blog I create my column and with iron irregularity write about stuff, which gets under my hands.”
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